Easy Multi-Scene Editing, load scene groups in editor or runtime in a single clic

This tool allows you to quickly load a group of scenes in unity. This method works in editor, but can also be used for gamePlay. Easy to setup with drag & drop. It will keep track of gameObjects between scenes


In this demonstration, the light scene was missing from the second group of scenes. Here, you can see how easy it is to add a scene & load it.

Scene Asset Lister

A group is composed of multiple scene, which can be drag & drop like any asset selector, with some useful compacted settings:

  • - Drag & Drop Scene asset only
  • - Add in build at last index
  • - Enable or disable from build
  • - Show Build settings

  • - Show scene status in build: enable, disable, not in build
  • - Show Build Index if is in build

You also have the nice feature to clean up deleted scene still present inside build settings

Keep Reference of a gameObject in other scenes

Thanks to unity developpers, I have added a nice feature into this tool pack: the possibility to keep gameObject linked in separate scenes.

Set a GuidComponent

We set an unique GuidComponent in the gameObject we want to keep track of, and assign to it an enum for simplicity of usage in your project

Keep link to this GuidComponent

Then in any script in another scene, create a reference of a GuidComponent, and drag & drop it.

private GuidReference _referenceLight1;

Unity will keep the link even if scene are closed & re-openned !

Full Code & demo will be avaible soon in the asset store, contact me if you are interested.

See also:

Enhance unity workflow by keeping track of files / assets / gameObject previously selected !

This tools allow you with simple button to access to previously selected objects in unity

Use extern directory inside your unity project using jonction

A Folder jonction can be pushed in git, unlike a simple symbolic link. Therefore you can have a "framework" directory shared betweens multiple unity projects