
Here is my list of the most relevant projects and creations, sorted by date and relevance. You can select the type of project (work, student ..) in the selection bar at the top.

2020-09-01 - 1 month

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SymLinks Tool

Share external data between multiple projects!

2020-09-01 - 1 week

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TimeScale tool

Slow down or stop time at any moment


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a list of my drawing

2018-03-01 - 48 hours

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Squirrel Squad

An Anti-gravity coop versus fight

2018-03-24 - one week

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C++ voxel engine

Programming course to create a C++ voxel engine

2018-03-04 - one week

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Dual Shocks

Testing exotic control for Local Multiplayer Versus Game

2016-12-22 - one weeks

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Image generator with blend mode filter

2016-11-12 - Tree days

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Game Jam Trailer

Game Jam trailer organized by ecdc and myself

2016-04-24 - one month

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Worms 3D

Indie Studio is the last C++ project of your second year in Epitech. It consists in programming a 3D video game with real tools

2015-03-16 - tree months

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A program that creates synthetic images from a configuration file using a raytracing algorithm. Built from the ground up in C with Epitech's mini-libX graphic library, pixel per pixel

2015-02-16 - two months

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A battle of programs in a virtual machine. The corewar is a first year project at Epitech

2016-10-24 - About five hours

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The Accountant Contest

Online programming contest and hackathon "The Accountant".

2016-09-02 - 2 days

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A 2D Game made in Game Jam

2016-05-23 - tree weeks

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Zappy, Client/server game

Reproduce an game server handler, communication beetween client in Unity and server in C, with client syncronization.

2015-07-01 - Six months traineeship full-time

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Laoviland - Web artistic tools

Creation of a dynamic carrousel in relation to pre-cut and merged images, previously chosen by the user


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Math is fun

I create a fun tool to demonstrate with physics that AB + AC = AD !

2015-03-23 - five weeks

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Find the shortest path for an ant in a given anthill

2015-02-09 - two weeks

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Nim game, studient project made in C with Epitech's mini-libX (graphic library).

2014-12-15 - fixe weeks

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Algorythm - find the Biggest SQuare

2014-11-24 - on month

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Realization of a "First Person" game: real-time simulation of a character's vision within a labyrinth-like setting.

2014-10-20 - on month

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Iron wire project

2014-01-14 - six months

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Personal 2D game project, made with a friend graphist

2012-11-07 - Six months

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Personal 2D game project, made for fun.